The coverage mandate for the state has been placed under examination by the media.
The health insurance mandate has been a central topic in the news lately, as the decision of the Supreme Court approaches and as it becomes more vital for the states to complete their required parts of the reform laws before the 2014 deadline, assuming that the law is not overturned.
The San Francisco Chronicle, for example, has reported that Proposition 29 has narrowly passed, creating a $1 per pack tax increase on cigarettes, despite efforts by tobacco companies worth almost $47 to try to defeat the measure. Now, an estimated $810 million more per year will be generated for smoking cessation programs and cancer research. This will put California in the 16th position in the country for the highest cigarette taxes. The measure was sponsored by many public health groups, including the American Cancer Society.
Similarly, the Associated Press noted that Massachusetts is primarily in support of the individual mandate.
The governor of that state, Mitt Romney, signed a similar individual health insurance mandate back in 2006, and it has created very little in terms of public outcry, despite the threat of a tax penalty for those who choose not to purchase coverage.
On the other hand, in New York, a report was published in the New York Times that stated that there has been a delay to the addition of a fund that would provide 9/11 victims with more cancer coverage. This is a federal ruling which would have decided whether cancer would be included among the illnesses that would be covered by a fund created by Congress for these individuals. Federal officials have said that there will now be several more days to the wait before the decision will be reached.
Modern Healthcare has published an article stating that New Hampshire officials are calling CMS claims “inaccurate”.
The Department of Health and Human Services in that state is disputing some of the claims that have been made against it by the CMS. The CMS alleges that it did not receive a submission of detailed information from the department, regarding reimbursement rate reductions to Medicaid. The department denies this outright.